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Virtual Kitchen Counter Chit-Chat

Our  Parent "support Group" Community

The term "support group" may sound intrusive or uncomfortable, even antiquated. Yet, listening and venting with others who have lived experiences can enlighten, rejuvenate, and promote a sense of comradery between parents living similar struggles. Join our virtual kitchen Counter Chit-Chats. Sit at your kitchen counter and join us at ours. It's a welcoming, comfortable atmosphere, where you can talk it out or take it in. Our two monthly Counter Chit-Chats will help you to talk thru challenges, vent your frustrations, and brainstorm ideas leading to increased empathy, greater resiliency, and a calmer you.  Promoting healthy and therapeutic parenting depends on getting it out, exhaling, integrating self-care into your day (or week), and listening to the "lived" experience of others. You are not alone on this journey. Become part of our community. It only takes a click!

See the link blocks below to register.

Kitchen chat w laughing, Maureen, all women.jpg

FFACT Kitchen Counter Chit-Chat

A virtual "support group" for parents and guardians parenting through trauma and adoption, navigating child-serving systems, and raising kids affected by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

Our peer community meets twice a month. Its a casual "kitchen counter" experience, delivered via Zoom. It does not matter where you are located geographically. Join us to listen, learn and share. You are not alone.

Click the links below to register.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.



Kitchen Counter Chit-Chat

Our Virtual "Parent Support" Group

We'll gather around our kitchen counters in a virtual space to talk, share and vent. Self-care is about connection and community, intentional restorative activities, hydration, and rest. Parents with lived experience also referred to as "peer support" can help shed light on the "root" of unsafe child behaviors.  We'll talk about resources and strategies you may not have thought of. Information is key to unlocking a new approach to, and understanding of, what parenting thru trauma is all about.

We meet on the

2nd and 4th Mondays of the month. 

Join us by following the registration links below. If you have any questions or concerns, you may also email us directly. Subject: "Chit-Chat".

"Classic" Trauma vs. Adverse Child Experiences

Our Chit-Chat group of amazing parents understands the struggles inherent to supporting kids exposed to emotionally traumatizing events. With some kids, heightened levels of cortisol production during critical periods of brain development can lead to emotional instability, unsafe behaviors, and chaos at home, Here is an example of exposure/event types.

* A CHDI Graphic 

Based in Connecticut. Serving families everywhere.
You are not alone on your parenting journey.
Use your voice to empower system change, and make developmental trauma services a new normal.
@ 2024 Family Forward Advocacy CT, Inc.

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