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Contact Us

How Can We Help?


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Email Address*

Children: ages; family makeup: biological, adopted, step/kin, fostered*


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You need not feel alone. Parenting Through Trauma is hard, but help and hope are a click away. Advocating for your child and their special needs can feel overwhelming and battling child-serving systems, exhausting. But we get it and we can help. Secure a seat at our Therapeutic Parenting Bootcamp, learn how to get started reforming your state's flawed systems, or watch our Podcast to learn what others did or are doing in similar situations as yours. It's all about connection and support.

Email us to be added to our database.

To schedule a FREE 30-minute consultation, please provide the information requested and submit it. Then, click the link below to schedule a time. We will reach out to confirm or reschedule a mutually agreeable time to meet.


99 Whispering Brook Drive

Kensington, CT 06037


Office: 860-505-0548 

Google Global: 475-222-3326 (FFAN)


Mon. - Wed.: 12 PM - 8 PM

Thurs. & Fri.: 10 AM - 4 PM

Sat.: Emergency Only

Sun.: Emergency Only

Based in Connecticut. Serving families everywhere.
You are not alone on your parenting journey.
Use your voice to empower system change, and make developmental trauma services a new normal.
@ 2024 Family Forward Advocacy CT, Inc.

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